08 March 2006

What will heaven be like?

As i woke up a couple of mornings ago I noticed something about myself. I am quite content when the tissue box next to my bed is full. There's nothing quite like a brand-new opened box of tissues. I feel secure and have no worries, for I know that I will be blowing my nose at every appropriate moment in the future.

But this is not the first time that I have noticed this internal reaction to full, uh, ness.

Let's see. How about:

A full tank of gas is very nice. This is true.

A full bag of popcorn at the movie theatre is nice (and not just for health reasons). Very true.

And so on...

So i guess heaven will be full of somekind of fullness (and before I begin to sound too weird: i mean God in His fullness -- and whatever that entails, naively assuming that the statement begins to describe the idea).

But I suppose that heaven will be even better than just fullness, for not only will our cups actually not be completely empty (for the pessimists among us, of whom i am the first)... but they will be so not empty that they must needs spill over (as the psalmist tells us).

Wow, so if heaven is anything like an overflowing tissue box on my bedside table, i want in!

Although I suppose it goes without saying that we won't need tissue boxes in heaven...


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