06 March 2006


Say, wait a second: If there's an icon of you, are you reclusive enough to be called "the Recluse"?

Well, I guess that's kind of unfair of me...


Blogger woodchvck said...

WHOOOOOOO!!! THEOPHAN THE RECLUSE, BABY!! he's definitely the most bad-ass modern recluse the Christian East has to offer, in my humble opinion. now all we need is a post on Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, which MIGHT be appropriate for the Holy Blog of the Perpetual Recreation, as the name was partially inspired by his, but well, you know...i'll try to stick to our favorite cenobitic hermits, the boys in white serge.

3/07/2006 12:09 AM  
Blogger Emmanuyil said...

It seems it's possible to be more reclusive when one is on a holy mountain (although you would think that a holy mountain would draw a lot of visitors) than when you are just "reclusive" in general. The only picture i can find of our friend Nicodemos, is the one on the cover of the "Western Classics of Spirituality" book I have.

So maybe your blog name won't draw many visitors because the Perpetual Recreation SEEMS to be the kind of thing that would be attractive, when actually (and who knew) "the Reclusive Blog" would have been the better bet. Heck, people would have made all sorts of special icons and stuff for THAT blog.
I guess people just have to go sticking there noses in what's supposed to be secret and hidden because they just can't stand not be in on it.

3/08/2006 10:08 PM  

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