12 February 2006

cніг, la neige, la neve, der Schnee, το χιόνι, SNOW!

Amazingly enough, our unseasonably mild winter has given way to the third greatest blizzard in my recollection (lifespan), in the washington, dc-metro-area (The blizzard of 96 and the one we had two or three years ago ar the other ones). Here are some pictures of the snow:

Below you see my leg positioned next to a spot where the snowblower cut a space. My dad measured 18" of snow. You will pardon the pants...

Here's the view from my back window. The sheds, as you can see, have accumulated some dandruff.

Here's another one from the back window -- just a bit to the left of the picture above.

Here's where the parking lot should be (just beyond the tree). At the extreme left, you see a little mole hill coming from the snow. That's a cedar of Lebanon that's been buried. Actually, in that blizzard we had two or three years ago, all we saw of our cedar was the very tip. That was when it was a much smaller tree, though.


Blogger woodchvck said...

dude, do you live in a friggin' forest or something?? holy crapballs, man, i mean, that's a lotta friggin' land...it's like mirkwood, dude, and you're a wood elf.

2/15/2006 12:47 AM  
Blogger woodchvck said...

oh yeah, you forgot, "NIX."

ego locvtvs svm.
cavsa finita est.

2/15/2006 12:51 AM  
Blogger Emmanuyil said...

Hey, what's polish for snow?

2/15/2006 8:14 AM  

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