20 January 2006

Four times fore = a missed cut

my turn!

Four Jobs I've Had in My Life
1. Medical billing at a doctor's office
2. Waiter: Sole d'Italia
3. Low-level staffer for O.P. St. Joseph Prov. Bicentennial Assembly
4. Office Clerk 107 McMahon

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over, and Have
1. Chronicles of Narnia (BBC)
2. Pride and Prejudice (BBC)
3. Napoleon Dynamite
4. The little clip before NHL 99

Four Places I Have Lived
1. Silver Spring, Md (Location 1)
2. Silver Spring Md (Location 2)
3. The Domincan House of Studies
4. The John Denver Mullen Library

Four TV Shows I Love To Watch
1. Football
2. Hockey
3. Baseball
4. The View

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation
1. Rome
2. Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
3. Myrtle Beach, SC
4. Ottawa, Ontario

Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. mail.cua.edu
2. espn.go.com
3. MSN.com
4. google.com

Four Favorite Foods
1. Variations on: pasta w/ garlic butter sauce
2. Easy-over eggs with toast, and orange juice (w/ pulp)
4. Mushroom Barley Soup

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
1. In heaven
2. In my bed
3. At the opera
4. At a hockey game

Disclaimer: I do not watch The View.


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