15 December 2005


Here's what i had to endure this semester. The reading list for my Epic class: (Wahoo! The final's over!)

<-- The Iliad. How many ways can you say, "And so he killed him, a mist came over his eyes, and his father wept"?

Odysseus's birth and making a name for himself with Polyphemus:

^Here's Aeneas fleeing Troy with his father on his shoulder and his son at his heels. Aren't father/son relationships beautiful?


The Inferno:

Here's a nice one of Una and the Lion in the Faerie Queene, although i'd have to double check to see if it's entirely accurate (should she be wearing her veil at this time?):

^FQ was the most fun i had all semester. Sure it's horribly anti-catholic, but it's really great anyway.

Ok, so this wasn't painted with Paradise Lost in mind, but i wasn't about to go Googling for "Adam and Eve," lest i be shocked and horrified:

Oh yeah, and there was a bit of him to read at the end. Preeety weird.

---Hi. Call me Jimmy. He felt the urge to finish this post. Must finish the post. nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita. All the time. tap tap tap Telling me to finish up.
Salut! demeure chaste et pure. When i'm finished.

So anyway. I'm done.


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