15 December 2005


I don't know if this bothers anyone else, but i think it's terrifying to be hurdling through space..and find that i am on a part of the earth that's tilting away from the sun. I mean, what would happen if it tilted just a bit farther? What would happen if the temperatures dropped from 13 to -13? That's not supposed to happen on the mid atlantic east coast. I don't think we take into account the cosmic proportion and danger of winter. Car breaking down, HA! How would you like your own body to shut down when the oceans freeze over and nothing works because everything is FROZEN! I mean, we could all be snatched up in our prime! I'm too young to die! Where's the justice?!

Why do i feel a sudden urge to go read Calvin and Hobbes...

PS. Stick around for mid July, here in nation's capital. Take a wild guess what i'll be thinking.

Please note that this post may not express the views of the blogger.


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