03 December 2005

It should be noted...

I began this blog at a time when i did not have time to spend on such silly things. I was supposed to be coming up with a paper topic for one of my classes, but after having spent all semester working my bum off (literally -- the library chairs aren't very comfortable), i decided to relax for an evening and listen to opera (and now to make this blog). I felt justified to do this; I earned the right to be a bum for an evening.

May future readers not spend too much time reading what i have to say, and instead turn to more useful things (such as the Holy Scriptures and the Doctors of the Church), so that while no one can claim to have approached the Father in his Glory, they may develop the desire to love and serve Him while on earth, and one day to spend eternity in the loving crook of His arm.

The spirit behind this blog may include, but not be limited to:

A desire to approach God more and more humbly,

A desire to maintain a constantly joyful spirit in Christ in spite of what trials may come (is this compatible with a blog?),

The love for ascetic monasticism,

A desire for an increase in the willing practice of penances and chastening austerities,

...For the salvation of souls, including our own (it is a terrifying proposition that anyone should burn in hell, if you really think about it),

A detestation of the tyrannical notion that happiness on earth only comes from things that "feel good"...,

Conservative and orthodox tendencies,

A mixture of amusement with, and appreciation for, Nicodemous of the Holy Mountain,

A desire for more intrinsic masculinity in male society in general,

The detestation of determinism in psychology,

The amateur interest in opera and lieder,

An unexplained fascination with Elmo and Muppets,

A tendency to distrust my eyes whenever André Rieu is on PBS, accompanied with an impulsive twitch of the right finger on the "channel up" button and the gagging of the throat,

The bachelor-ish tendency towards messiness (in room and thought), but without the rough language (unless you consider occasional grammatical struggles "rough language"),

The general notion that: television, computers, and cell phones are basically evil and in need of full redemption,

The tendency to spell "ax," "axe," and "gray," "grey"-- because it's just better that way,

The hope that the Red Sox will win the World Series every once in a while (not every year of course -- that would be too Yankee-like),

And, the desire particularly to emphasize that Christ is the Head of His Body (and only after this to talk about His community).


Blogger woodchvck said...

booga booga booga!! woodchuck to raccoon, woodchuck to raccoon, the holy mountain is secure. repeat: the holy mountain is secure.

12/05/2005 1:23 PM  
Blogger Emmanuyil said...

i never knew blogging was so complicated.. it's kind of a pain in the neck.

12/05/2005 4:30 PM  
Blogger woodchvck said...

yeah, but it certainly helps getting those papers done.

12/05/2005 11:20 PM  
Blogger Emmanuyil said...

yeah, really...

12/06/2005 8:50 AM  

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