10 February 2006

sunrises and birds

You know what i enjoy these days? Driving in to school and marveling at the sunrise, for one. It was just amazing this morning -- colors so vibrant it was as though i'd never seen the colors or a sunrise before. Second, I like to feed the birds that live in the bushes outside the library. I discovered this simple joy yesterday as some of the crumbs from my granola bar fell on the ground only to be swarmed by a flock of tiny little birds. And so, today, as i had my granola bar, i sat and ate, and as i sat and ate, i fed the birds. What precious little fellas. As i fed the birds i was happy. Am i turning into a st. francis with my sun and my birds? Holy Fr. Dominic, Pray For Us. Yes, and St. Francis, too.


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