23 February 2006

Is there a problem officer?

Well, driving home from the holy hour tonight i got pulled over by a cop for the first time. Apparently i cut him off.

It was all very strange. We turned onto University and saw a policeman doing a U-turn in front of us so that in a few moments we were passing him (he u-turned into the right lane and we were in the left), but i was driving the speed limit. We stopped at a light.

At some point, the policeman made a right turn and we could see that he was turning around again and getting back on the road behind us. We joked that I should be careful and that the policeman must have been really bored to be trying to sneak up behind us to ticket us. (We actually did audibly note these things.)

Up the road we briefly stopped at a light (in the middle lane) and seeing that the car in the left lane was faster than the one in front of us, I changed lanes into the left, only to see two very bright lights, that must have been very close indeed since it is common knowledge that objects in mirrors are closer....

That was when i saw the other lights.

That was when i babbled something very incoherent to the officer about doing a headcheck while thinking to myself, "Oh, it would be like you to get a ticket for drunk driving when you aren't even drunk...say something normal. Say something coherent. Don't sound stupid. And DON'T SOUND DRUNK! DON'T SOUND DRUNK!"

My sister said that i just sounded tired.

I got off with a "drive more carefully."

Thanks be to God.

(Blogger's note of self defense: I looked in the rearview before changing lanes and there was a car off somewhere in the distance. I put on my blinker and did a head check and didn't see anything. When i pulled into the lane there were two lights staring at me. It could be that he was in my blindspot, but that would have been very strange. How fast was he driving that in the time between doing a headcheck and changing lanes he was already so close behind me?! Oh well.)


Blogger woodchvck said...

you should have been playing pearl jam's "rear view mirror" at the time.

i almost typed "mirrow." i dunno what a "mirrow" is...i think it'd be, like, a cross between a mirrow and a window...but then again windows can give provide reflections, anyways...at least depending on the circumstance.

it could have been worse. you could have been pulled over for turning into a 7-11 by way of a one-way street (in the opposite direction) while wearing 3-D glasses.

-- pineabble ice

2/24/2006 12:37 AM  

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