13 May 2006

Well shoot

How was i supposed to know my crush was graduating today?

I guess i had suspected.

Goodbye, everso beautiful. May the tears that fill my nights nourish the ground on which you tread....


Blogger woodchvck said...

woah, woah. crush? i mean, i've read this before, but somehow, man, all i can say is, well, somewhere between "damn" and "shit." i'm not like all touchy-feely guy, so i'm not gonna say anything like "oh, doooo tell" or shit like that. but yeah, that sucks, man. i have, however, passed the 102 course of living in dreamland, so all you can do is go to the 200-level (which means next time, it sucks a little more for a tad longer).

i dunno, i'm talking outta my ass, right now.

neich bedze pochwalony Jezus Christus.
na weiki weikow. Amen.

9/02/2006 2:35 AM  
Blogger Emmanuyil said...

or is the 200 level the monastery?

9/06/2006 11:31 AM  

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