31 December 2009

...i Beba Medo!

22 December 2009

Two more

He spreads snow like wool; frost he strews like ashes. (Ps. 147:6)

[B]efore his cold the waters freeze. He sends his word and melts them...Praise him, sun and moon. (Ps. 147:17-18; 148:3)

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19 December 2009

poster blog post of blog posts for this blog

Hast thou entered into the storehouses of the snow...

Out of whose womb came the ice; and the frost from heaven who hath gendered it? (Job 38:22;29)

Well watered are the trees of the Lord...

...the cedars of Lebanon, which he planted. (Ps. 103:16)

Praise the Lord from the earth...

...fire and hail, snow and mist (Ps. 148:7-8)

[Click photos to (really) enlarge]

Other seminal snow posts:
Check out a much younger cedar of Lebanon (last pic)!
And how about some good ol' hilarity

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02 December 2009


Never call a stomach a tummy without good reason.

~ Strunk and White (from The Elements of Style)

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