30 January 2009

The Incarnation

From the Great Compline (at Christmas):

God is with us! understand all you nations, and submit yourselves: for God is with us!

Give ear, you lands afar off: For God is with us!

Submit yourselves, you mighty ones: For God is with us!

For if you rise up again, so again will you be crushed: For God is with us!

And if any take counsel together, the Lord will destroy them: For God is with us!

And if you make resolutions, they will not stand: For God is with us!

For we fear not what you fear, nor are we troubled: For God is with us!

Sanctify the Lord our God, let him be your dread: For God is with us!

And he will be your sanctification, for whomever trusts in him: For God is with us!

We will hope in him, and through him be saved: For God is with us!

Behold, I and the children whom the Lord has given me: For God is with us!

The people that walked in the darkness have seen a great Light: For God is with us!

A Light will shine on you who dwell in the land of the shadow of death: For God is with us!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: For God is with us!

And the government will be upon his shoulder: For God is with us!

And his name will be called great Council of Angels: For God is with us!

Wonderful Counselor: For God is with us!

The Mighty God, the Ruler, the Prince of Peace: For God is with us!

The everlasting Father: For God is with us!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always, and for ever and ever. Amen: For God is with us!

How do you like them apples.

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02 January 2009

Prayer of St. John Damascene

A wonderful prayer for after Holy Communion:

"God, my God, unextinguishable and invisible fire, You make Your angels flaming fire. Out of Your inexpressible love You have given me Your divine Flesh as food, and through this communion of Your immaculate Body and precious Blood You receive me as a partaker of Your divinity. Permeate all my body and soul, all my bones and sinews. Consume my sins in fire. Enlighten my soul and illumine my mind. Sanctify my body and make Your abode in me together with Your blessed Father and all-holy Spirit, that I may always abide in You, through the intercession of Your immaculate Mother and all Your saints. Amen."

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