30 January 2009

The Incarnation

From the Great Compline (at Christmas):

God is with us! understand all you nations, and submit yourselves: for God is with us!

Give ear, you lands afar off: For God is with us!

Submit yourselves, you mighty ones: For God is with us!

For if you rise up again, so again will you be crushed: For God is with us!

And if any take counsel together, the Lord will destroy them: For God is with us!

And if you make resolutions, they will not stand: For God is with us!

For we fear not what you fear, nor are we troubled: For God is with us!

Sanctify the Lord our God, let him be your dread: For God is with us!

And he will be your sanctification, for whomever trusts in him: For God is with us!

We will hope in him, and through him be saved: For God is with us!

Behold, I and the children whom the Lord has given me: For God is with us!

The people that walked in the darkness have seen a great Light: For God is with us!

A Light will shine on you who dwell in the land of the shadow of death: For God is with us!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: For God is with us!

And the government will be upon his shoulder: For God is with us!

And his name will be called great Council of Angels: For God is with us!

Wonderful Counselor: For God is with us!

The Mighty God, the Ruler, the Prince of Peace: For God is with us!

The everlasting Father: For God is with us!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always, and for ever and ever. Amen: For God is with us!

How do you like them apples.

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