26 November 2006

In the spirit of this blog...

I shall have to agree with a Heraclitean notion that "a man is called infantile by a divinity as a child is by a man" by saying that thinking oneself on some level as an equal to God is equivalent to feeling so confident in one's arm that after throwing a ball one would duck for fear of a concussion, for "that thrown ball, certainly, shall fly around the world and strike me in the back of the head, unless I am careful."
And so, I shall have to delight in what Guigo I has to say about something like that: "The proud man admits neither a superior nor an equal. But he who truly has no equal or superior is unique; and He is God. For there cannot be two such. Therefore, the proud man wishes to be God. But there cannot be two. Therefore, he wishes that God be not. Rightly, therefore, "God resisteth the proud" (Jas. IV.6; Petr. V.5).

And there it is. See you in December.


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