03 November 2006

The world would be a happier place if (#2):

Drivers of the world, I implore you. Blinkers are a gift from God. Use them. Be prepared, if you are so bent on every kind of excess in this life, to exceed all others in your use of the blinker.

Just look at all of the authoritative writings on the subject:

- "Who among you, when his fellow commuter should ask for the courtesy of a blinker, would cut him off?"

- "You never change into the same lane twice...so use your blinker."

- "Virtue is blinking."

- "Blinking is power."

- "And the blinker is the most sunlike of the car parts."

- "Blinkerness is activity of the soul in conformity with perfect virtue."

- "Our hearts are restless until we use our blinkers."

- "blinkito ergo sum / je signale, donc je suis"

- "Act as if the amount you used your blinker were to become through your will a universal law of nature."

- "There is a fundamental distinction between presence and absence...of a blinker."

- "I sing of blinkers and a man."

- "Nel mezzo del camin di nostra combiare di corsie / ho usato un lampeggiatore nella mia automobile"

- "(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages) / Thanne longen folk to utilise blinkirages"

- "To drive, perchance to blink."

- "I gotta use blinkers when I pass you."

My personal driving strategy:

- Whoever blinks, changes; whoever signals is allowed to enter the next lane.

- Signal and ye shall be allowed to enter.
Blink and the lane shall be given to you.

- Ye change lanes not because ye signal not.

So make the world a happier place and use your blinker.

emmanoyil's to-do list:
- use blinker
- drive around a lot until at least five people have used their blinkers
- delude self into thinking these five represent the world
- get really happy
- improve memory -- some of the quotations recalled may not be quite accurate
- learn Italian instead of relying on unreliable free translation tools
- learn German


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