13 May 2006

Well shoot

How was i supposed to know my crush was graduating today?

I guess i had suspected.

Goodbye, everso beautiful. May the tears that fill my nights nourish the ground on which you tread....

10 May 2006

A Poem for You

As I make my way down life's lonely highway,
I think that from now on whenever,
I begin a new line of "verse" that it will begin with an
I and I will tell you why. As it turns out this "piece"
I am writing is not really a poem, but
I am currently trying to give its body something,
I want your periphery to tell you that this is a real poem---
I think, however, that we should hold on a minute;
I am no longer going to include the I's
I have been using as the beginnings of my lines, but
I will only proceed by placing an "I" at every line:
I will place the I at the beginning of every line, but
I and you will no longer pay attention to the I’s, that is,
I will, with you, ignore them starting from right now:
I as you can see, the "I" at the beginning of
I this and the previous sentence don't have
I any connection with the meaning of the sentences---
I wonder: where was I? Or he? Ah, you will remember:
I just think; I was giving the body the appearance of a poem;
I and you know that what you are reading really isn't what
I is a poem, and I was going to tell you why
I ’tis done and such. Well, I thought it would be amusing if but:
I were I to give any readers that I have a kind of:
I nauseating worry about what they were going to be
I subjected to. The opening line --
I think about it; what repulsive drivel…
I put it there on purpose. – Really; gotta:
I love that trite way of getting things started, hey, to
I begin a poem? Having read that first line -- actually,
I probably prior to reading those lines, you would
I also notice what took me a while to express, namely: you
I hate all the I's that frame the left side of the
I page. Pretty annoying, huh? Just
I think. Perhaps these, too, would have filled you with,
I if you are anything like I think you are --
I probably, or for that matter, if you're anything like me --
I strangely, a kind of loathsome feeling that anyone would have,
I first of all, not only for reading bad poetry --
I for by that portion of the moment, I think:
I your eyes would have seen what the
I opening with the line "as I make..." --
I was. Think. But also by the self-centered nature
I often noticed in some forms of bad poetry.
I in short, the entire goal of everything has
I already passed. There was a point? The aim was for that
I split second when you were first looking,
I looking at the screen -- that
I reaction that you had, that you are thinking about now --
I and what I think about as I write -- you should:
I know that the time has passed;
I and it, yet, somehow, still lives on in a way.
I wonder to yourself: whether the goal was achieved; that
I remains to be seen; but certainly, if you
I have read this far, there is a chance that you
I would have preferred to have read a bit of
I hateful, bad poetry than some lines that:
I irritate the dickens out of you in a slightly different way.
I still, maybe there really isn't anything worse than to
I write or read bad poetry. It's up to you; a
I thing to ponder: Was this? Actually, thinking about it, it:
I was much more annoying than bad poetry.