29 April 2006

My statement about the state of affairs in the world

Datives of manifestation sometimes go on dates with their corresponding objects of affection, but this is not always the case.

27 April 2006

Why do i feel the sudden urge to disappear off the face of the earth -- flying to Parkminster and writing poetry to God in silence for the rest of my life...?

Oh yeah, there's a bunch of stuff due tomorrow, and it's all so stupid and trivial and so freaking unimportant. I dunno, i'm beginning to think that Dante had the wrong idea in helping to de-vilify literature, and that Teresa of Avila had the right idea in feeling guilty over reading romantic lit... When it comes down to it, the right question has to be asked. Not: how does this play mirror life? But: wouldn't time in prayer be much more beneficial than reading and writing about this crap?


I was going to conclude with something like: "I'll try to get back on the sunny side of life after next week," but I don't think i've said anything that i should be ashamed of, so i won't say it, darn it.

19 April 2006

I'd rather be: in this picture right now...

Ok, so i never keep any of the promises i make on this thing....

But I mean, this is just so nice; I can't help but post it.

17 April 2006

Until we meet again...

No posting in the coming week (Old Calendar Holy Week). Not because I am particularly holy, but because it is advantageous to my body that I not be distracted by the computer as I desperately try to avoid another all-nighter (the twitching in my eye has only just gone away -- and does resurface occasionally) while finishing one paper and writing another for Thursday and memorizing a script i haven't written yet for my (burdensome) French class. I might add that I have been ALL too distracted by this stupid, stupid, evil and wicked machine that i hate with nearly every ounce of my being (ens & esse).

Oh, and i never do anything i promise on this blog (i can remember off the top of my head that: i never did explain the panels on the Carthusin illustration or explain what "Die lustige Witwe" was about (though i did find out)). Oh, and i won't be posting anymore from Nicodemos during Lent (but perhaps at a later date) even though i said i would...)

The papers await.
The suffering is great.
I hope I'm called "late,"
Before the due date.

(ha! and you can't even complain about that quatrain because I won't be here to read your comment. And once i'm back, your complaint will be "so yesterday." That said, I think it's a fine quatrain...short and sweet...quite clever if i say so myself...dare i say a testament to a mind like a diamond...a wit quick as lighting...a humor to entertain the great patrons of England...of an intellect to challenge the philosophers...a feast for the kings of Babylon...a triumph surpassing brilliance...a masterpiece o'erleaping all others...yet with a simplicity not unlike that of the Divine Essence.....oh, and i could go on and on.)

12 April 2006

Still in the land of the living

I was tempted to talk about [what i thought was] a possessed person in church this morning, but that would end up sounding really whiny.

Other than that, i'm still too tired from the super-busy last couple of weeks to say anything even mildly amusing, interesting, insightful, or good-natured [altogether]; and if there's one thing i've learned from life: It's better NOT TO TRY to say anything even mildly amusing, interesting, insightful, or good-natured [altogether]when I feel that way.

Easter Break is upon us... and not a moment too soon. For this (and for all other things as well): Thanks be to God.

(I have made a few template changes. Most notably, the blog title is no longer "3 things are ard to me and the fourth...i am ignorant." I don't know why i didn't think of it myself (given what my website url is), but it was through Kevin's (perhaps unwitting) introduction of my blog that this change has come about. But given that I am the kind of person who will pause for a long time before introducing myself to someone (because there are so many names by which i go), i think that this is a step in the right direction. In fact, come to think of it, it's time to consolidate some of my nicknames.

Thus: from now on i think it will be best to cut "Dan" off of the list. This name I will merge with "Don" so that while the name may still be written "Dan," the "a" will be darkened to something that sounds closer to "Don" (although it is a little different). This way, the nick-name is close to one that my family uses (just "think Jewish" when you say the "D" and it'll be perfect). All other nick-names still apply.

Yet, this may not completely solve the problem at hand.

Someone: What's your name?
Me: <pause>
Someone: <blank stare>
Me: Well my really name is... but some of my nick-names are.... Now, in the past I was called...

"And so on and so forth," as a teacher might say.

Oh shoot. Come to think of it, this post probably sounded really whiny....