25 November 2009

Anything worth reading?

Is anything worth writing, worth writing even if no one ever were to read it?

I guess it would depend on what it is that is written and whether the writer himself reads it, not for whatever reason - of which we are wary - but worthily for the welfare of his and others' souls; were he rarely to read it, and were the writing to be puerile and prescinding from what is properly profitable to a person, I'd surmise it quite possible that the principle proved false.

clamantisne vox in deserto?

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17 November 2009

The better to teach you with...

So there I was, eating my chili in the Pryz, brushing up on De Ente by reading some of Mons. W's Metaphysical Themes when, speak of the separate substance, I look up and there he is standing by the soda fountain. --- Now what was that about a real distinction between essence and existence? I look no further.

My, what great cappello you have?

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11 November 2009

For a rainy day...

Although sometimes considered merely an old wives' tale cure-all for various afflictions, bundling up and wearing a hat - or even simply using an umbrella - has consistently been shown to be an effective home remedy for antenasal drip, even while battling the affliction at its source is still beyond modern science.

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03 November 2009


What's the opposite of a lambdacism or lallation?

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