22 November 2008

So am I thinking now?

I don't say half of what I think because I don't think before half of what I say.

10 November 2008

It's time for another...

I think that there is a very thin line, sometimes, between a good idea and a bad idea well or convincingly explained.

08 November 2008

GRE vocab "fun"

In the crepuscular hours of autumnal abscission, an uxorious braggadocio with hauteur was elected.

People hoped that an unfledged candidate would teach the world to fly; and believed his supposititious explanations for evidence that he was a quisling.

Was it reactionary to find his proposed peremptory retrenching alarming? Saying nothing of his morally offensive enormity.

Those whose candidate had been defeated, wished to absquatulate; their hegira was to escape the winner's verbiage.