31 October 2006

Just a note to my odd reader

not that my reader is odd, just....

If you stick around til, oh, Jan 5th or so...no later than the 5th, things should get a bit more interesting. Details to follow (Say, around mid-December, and no sooner).

St. Theodore the Studite - Pray for us

St. Bruno - Pray for us

26 October 2006

"No, you don't understand! The jungle is our home. We're creatures of the wild!"


18 October 2006

babble, trickle.....

Where are the green pastures? I want to lie down in them.

16 October 2006


Once doubt arose, man chose rather to offer the sanctuary of his heart to the multitude of creatures; and the temple of God was now filled with the din of idols. Is it not a fact that our souls are invaded by the moneychangers and by the lowing of oxen, the bleating of sheep, and the cooing of pigeons? And if it was with wrathful love that Jesus made a whip of cords and drove the intruders from his temple, it is with a love overflowing with mercy and compassion that he purifies our hearts. And the great silence filled the temple. A silence vast as God.

Carthusian Meditation

11 October 2006

What does it mean it to partake of the Body of Our Lord Jesus?

We consume the All-Consuming-and-never-consumed.

But what does that mean?

09 October 2006

A post in honor of St. Bruno, whose feast day it was on Oct. 6th. Note that nothing is written. It would not be right to break the silence.