20 July 2006

Earth to Emmanoyil.....Come in Emman.....

I cast away the sorrows and regrets of youth and gird my loins for a new semester and a future that will take me somewhere. The summer is progressing along slowly -- miraculously slowly -- and I am working, usually alone, sorting and shelving this and that. Away i go into my magical little world. Away, away...transcending the limits of the mature imagination to a child-like kingdom of what-have-you. Do not make me return from this haven of happiness, this tranquil stream of delight. The thorns do not prick and the wolves do not bite. But the effort must be made; i must slip to earth at day's end. And after safe drive home, away, away, in dreams of life. Soon, however, a return in earnest must be made. Yet let it not be the last, the final return. Let not the kind wanderings be snuffed and tucked away. What need is there for rigid awaying, when staying is greater going?